Cardinal Tetra – Paracheirodon axelrodi

Cardinal Tetra

Paracheirodon axelrodi


The Cardinal Tetra is a small, vibrant fish known for its striking colors and peaceful nature. It thrives in well-planted aquariums with soft, acidic water.

Scientific Name: Paracheirodon axelrodi

Common Name: Cardinal Tetra

Family & Genus: Characidae, Paracheirodon

Size: Up to 5 cm (2 inches)

Lifespan: 3-5 years

Diet: Omnivorous (small insects, crustaceans, algae, flakes, pellets)

Tank Requirements: Soft, acidic water (pH 4.5-6.5), temperature 23-27°C (73-81°F), well-planted tank, low to moderate lighting

Temperament: Peaceful, schooling fish

Care Level: Beginner to intermediate

Breeding Difficulty: Challenging

Feeding Difficulty: Easy

Special Notes: Best kept in groups of 6 or more; sensitive to water parameter changes


The Cardinal Tetra is renowned for its vibrant colors and sleek body shape.

Body Shape & Structure: Small, slender, torpedo-shaped

Coloration & Patterns: Bright blue stripe running along the body, with a vivid red lower half extending from the mid-body to the tail

Size at Maturity: Up to 5 cm

Sexual Dimorphism: Females tend to be slightly rounder-bodied than males

Notable Features: Vibrant coloration, highly attractive in planted aquariums

Origin and Habitat

Native to the Amazon River basin, the Cardinal Tetra thrives in blackwater streams and tributaries.

Native Habitat: Blackwater streams and tributaries

Geographical Distribution: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela)

Preferred Water Conditions: Soft, acidic, tannin-rich water with minimal flow

Natural Diet: Small invertebrates, insect larvae, organic detritus

Behavior in the Wild: Schooling fish, found in large groups in slow-moving waters

Additional Information

Here are some additional details about the Cardinal Tetra.

Tank Mates & Compatibility: Best with other peaceful fish such as neon tetras, rasboras, and dwarf corydoras

Common Health Issues & Prevention: Prone to stress-related illnesses, susceptible to fin rot and ich; maintain stable water parameters and high water quality

Interesting Facts: Often confused with neon tetras but has more extensive red coloration

The Cardinal Tetra is an excellent choice for beginner and intermediate aquarists due to its peaceful nature, stunning coloration, and ease of feeding. It thrives in well-planted aquariums with stable water parameters and does best in groups, adding vibrant contrast to any tank. However, breeding can be challenging, and they require soft, acidic water conditions to truly flourish.


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